Devilman manga ending two moons
Devilman manga ending two moons

Villainous Crush: She is in love with Devilman and believes that his attempts to avoid her are because he is too shy reveal his (nonexistent) romantic feelings for her.She soon proves to be too dumb to die later because Akira soon finds her trying to slit her throat with a paper knife (a type wooden knife commonly used as a letter opener) because she was worried about hurting herself with a real knife. Too Dumb to Live: After Akira sarcastically tells her to kill herself because “only death can cure a fool” she decides to commit suicide.

devilman manga ending two moons

Sacrificial Lamb: Killed by Magdora, which sets up the serious, apocalyptic tone of the final episodes.In one episode she used the trash in an abandoned apartment to create a luxurious bedroom. Reality Warper: A bit more hands on than most examples, she’s basically able to sculpt solid matter into anything she wishes.Really 700 Years Old: She is regarded as cute in appearance but is actually quite old.Fanservice: There is quite a bit of focus on her legs and other nice areas. Harmless Villain: She lacks intimidating abilities and is too stupid to be considered a threat to anyone.She does attempt to fix her face when she has the chance. Gonk: Her real face looks like a car that has drove into a brick wall.Canon Foreigner: She appears only in the '70 series.Butt-Monkey: One of the few demons that no one, not even Zenon or Devilman himself, take seriously.Brainless Beauty: She transformed herself into a cute but very stupid girl.Beware the Silly Ones: To call her dumber than a sack of rocks would be offensive to the rocks, but that doesn’t mean she’s useless in a fight in one episode she was able to use her demon powers turn a pencil sharpener and a lamp into crude one shot guns, and if she wasn’t under fire from the JSDF she might have been able to make something deadlier.Would Hit a Girl: Aside from Harmless Villain Lala, he fights the female demons just as brutally as the males.Ī demoness who is sent after Devilman, but decides to stick around and become an ally.

devilman manga ending two moons

Whip It Good: He uses his belt as a makeshift whip.Spared by the Adaptation: He survives with Miki, fully embracing his identity as Akira.Shapeshifting Excludes Clothing: Aside from his Magic Pants.The Power of Love: His love for Miki brings out the best in him.No Name Given: He is simply called ∽evilman”.Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He is basically the local school bully, but he genuinely loves his adoptive family and Miki.Defector from Decadence: He used to work for Zenon, but turned against him to protect humanity and Miki.Death by Adaptation: Akira is killed along with his father, and his body is taken over by Devilman.Decomposite Character: On the other hand Devilman and the pre-transformation Akira are separated into two different characters.

devilman manga ending two moons

  • Composite Character: Somewhat retroactively, he’s one of Amon, Akira Fudo and Ryo Asuka/Satan, seeing as he was a demon that came to the human world to conquer it for the demons only to fall in love with a human he met while there.
  • #Devilman manga ending two moons series

    By the end of the series he's started to take a more proactive role in defending humanity from demons. Character Development: Started out either ambivalent or actively hostile to most humans and uninterested in fighting against Zenon's forces unless they come after him or Miki first.

    devilman manga ending two moons

  • Came Back Wrong: He dies, only for his body to be possessed by Devilman, and he becomes cockier and more of a bully.
  • Badass Biker: Taking into account that the Lighter and Softer adaptation couldn't have Akira dismembering and mauling demons in a gruesome manner to cement his badass status, they just gave him a nice bike to ride in between the fights.
  • Adaptational Name Change: Downplayed, in the manga the demon was called Amon with Devilman being Akira's superhero monicker, here the demon’s name is Devilman.
  • He instead fell in love with Miki Makimura and resolved to defend humanity. One of the Demon Lord Zenon’s most trusted warriors, assigned to go into the human world and prepare a base from which the Demon Tribe would start their invasion.

    Devilman manga ending two moons